The Rock Hill Farmers' Market is an organization founded to promote local, sustainable and organic agriculture, increasing economic opportunities for farmers, youth, small businesses and food artisans. The Rock Hill Farmers' Market is an all VOLUNTEER run organization, under the umbrella of the Rock Hill Business & Community Association. At the market, you'll find: vegetables, hard cider, mushrooms, fruits, eggs, chicken, maple syrup, honey, fresh cut flowers, cheese, baked goods and much more!
We showcase our Brazilian cheese buns, triple cheese grilled cheese, smash burger, breakfast sandwiches and craft refreshments like kombucha, iced tea, and wood roasted coffee.
JetLAG Festival Neoteric JUN/20-22, 2025 All Day Peaceful Valley Campground Downsville, NY 13755
JetLAG Festival discovers, establishes and maintains links between groups of different cultures, generations and tastes. The festival contextualizes and explores genres, styles and projects that embody such links, such as Russian guitar-poetry and folk song, rock, klezmer, gypsy music, trance, rap and freestyle poetry.
The JetLAG Festival engages artists, musicians and creative enthusiasts and it's one of the most vibrant music festivals in the Northeast, and one of the most important displays of Russian-American culture in the world. When we say JetLAG is about Good Music—and we have always said that—we don’t limit “music” to its narrow meaning. For all the sages of sound, from Pythagoras to Bach, music is a synonym for the beauty of cosmic order, the symphonia of creation.
This brings us to the concept of Euphonia. The word comes from Ancient Greek, the language Pythagoras spoke. “Eu” means good, well. “Phone” stands for sound, voice. “Euphonia” means a comforting, inspiring, uplifting synergy of sounds.
A space where sounds, vibes, rhythms foster unity, empathy, collective creativity, the spirit of encounter, joy, and love. Euphonia means good sound. Euphonia sounds good. You-phonia means you. You sound good.
We showcase our Brazilian cheese buns, grilled cheese, smash burgers, and craft refreshments like kombucha, iced tea, and wood roasted coffee.
Bagel Festival AUG 10, 2025 SUN 9a - 4p Bagel Boulevard (Broadway) Monticello, NY 12701
Monticello New York, the birthplace of the bagel, and official bagel capital of the world, is becoming known not only for the quaint charm of the town, but for the annual Bagel Festival. That’s right, Bagel Festival. The world wide food commodity has become the centerpiece of an annual event in New York’s Catskills, and a piece of the pride and joy of a community.
We showcased our smash burger, triple cheese grilled cheese, loose leaf iced tea and wood roasted iced coffee.
Grahamsville Little World's Fair AUG 15-17, 2025 FRI 12p - 11p SAT: 10a - 11p SUN: 9a - 6p 8230 State Route 55 Grahamsville, NY 12740
2025 marks the 145th Grahamsvilee Little World's Fair which features agricultural and livestock exhibits and contests, daily entertainment including live music and demonstrations, fun rides for all ages, an array of great food, games, vendors, and a whole lot more! Admission includes free parking, access to exhibits and contests, and free entertainment!
We showcase our Brazilian cheese buns, grilled cheese, smash burgers, and craft refreshments like kombucha, iced tea, and wood roasted coffee.